From Ivory Tower to Twitter (2013-2019)

Lead by Associated Professor Nete Nørgaard Kristensen at the University of Copenhagen, “From Ivory Tower to Twitter: Rethinking the Cultural Critic in Contemporary Media Culture” (FITT) was a collaborative research project funded by a 6.2 m DKK grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research. My sub-project was also supported by the research network Cultural Journalism in the Nordic Countries (funded by the NOS-HS). The FITT project asked how cultural journalism and criticism change in the digital age.

The project group consisted of Nete Nørgaard Kristensen (Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen), Unni From (Associate Professor, Aarhus University), Helle Kannik Haastrup (Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen), Erik Svendsen (Associate Professor, Roskilde University), Louise Yung Nielsen (Assistant Professor, Roskilde University), Steffen Moesgaard (PhD fellow, University of Copenhagen), Troels Østergaard (PhD fellow, Aarhus University and the Danish School of Media and Journalism), and me.

I participated with a sub-project about the “everyday amateur expert” (Kristensen & From, 2015), which is a sociological category of cultural critic that exists outside of established media organizations.

My participation in the FITT project has so far resulted in one journal article: