Journal articles:
- Jannie Møller Hartley, Caitlin Petre, Mette Bengtsson, & Aske Kammer (2023). Autonomies and Dependencies: Shifting Configurations of Power in the Platformization of News. Digital Journalism, 11(8), 1375-1390.
- Aske Kammer (2023). Resource Exchanges Between Mobile News Apps and Third-Parties. Digital Journalism, 11(6), 1154-1172.
- Raul Ferrer-Conill, Michael Karlsson, Mario Haim, Aske Kammer, Dag Elgesem, & Helle Sjøvaag (2023). Toward ‘Cultures of Engagement’? An exploratory comparison of engagement patterns on Facebook news posts. New Media & Society, 25(1), 95-118.
- Mario Haim, Michael Karlsson, Raul Ferrer-Conill, Aske Kammer, Dag Elgesem, & Helle Sjøvaag (2021). You should read this study! It investigates Scandinavian social-media logics ☝️. Digital Journalism, 9(4), 406-426.
- François Nel, Coral Milburn-Curtis, Katja Lehtisaari, & Aske Kammer (2020). Free to succeed: Does press freedom influence the entrepreneurial orientation and the reader revenue performance of independent news media firms?—A cross-sectional study. Newspaper Research Journal. 41(4), 417-432.
- Mikkel Hvidtfeldt Andersen, Rikke Gammeltoft Gerwien, & Aske Kammer (2020). Sammen, hver for sig: universitetsstuderendes læringsstrategier under COVID19-nedlukningen. Tidsskriftet Læring og Medier, 23, 1-18.
- Ragnhild Kristine Olsen, Aske Kammer, & Mona Kristin Solvoll (2019). Paywalls’ Impact on Local News Websites’ Traffic and Their Civic and Business Implications. Journalism Studies, 21(2), 197-216.
- Helle Sjøvaag, Eirik Stavelin, Michael Karlsson, & Aske Kammer (2019). The Hyperlinked Scandinavian News Ecology. The unequal terms forged by the structural properties of digitalisation. Digital Journalism, 7(4), 507-531.
- Aske Kammer (2016). A welfare perspective on Nordic media subsidies. Journal of Media Business Studies, 13(3), 140-152.
- Aske Kammer (2015). Post-Industrial Cultural Criticism: The everyday amateur expert and the online public sphere. Journalism Practice, 9(6), 872-889.
- Aske Kammer, Morten Boeck, Jacob Vikær Hansen, & Lars Juul Hadberg Hauschildt (2015). The free-to-fee transition: audiences’ attitudes toward paying for online news. Journal of Media Business Studies, 12(2), 107-120.
- Stig Hjarvard & Aske Kammer (2015). Online news: between private enterprise and public subsidy. Media, Culture & Society, 37(1), 115-123.
- Aske Kammer (2013). Audience Participation in the Production of Online News. Towards a Typology. Nordicom Review, 34(Special Issue 2013), 113-126.
- Aske Kammer (2013). Terrorisme i realtid: 22. juli 2011 på danske og norske netaviser, Norsk Medietidsskrift, 20(4), 292-311.
- Aske Kammer (2013). The mediatization of journalism. MedieKultur, 54, 141-158.
- Aske Kammer (2010). Gratisaviserne som en politisk ressource. Journalistica (2), 28-47.
Book chapters:
- Aske Kammer (2024). Samfundets medialisering. In: Mads K. Eberholst & Maria Bendix Wittchen (Eds.), Nyhedsjournalistens metoder (pp. 149-154). DJØF Forlag.
- Aske Kammer & Thomas Spejlborg Sejersen (2024). The economics of podcasting. In: Ulrike Rohn, M. Bjørn von Rimscha, & Tim Raats (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Media Economics (pp. 389-400). De Gruyter.
- Aske Kammer (2023). Spaces for Datafication: How Datafication Transforms Media Industries. In: Alexander Godulla & Stephan Böhm (Eds.), Digital Disruption and Media Transformation. How Technological Innovation Shapes the Future of Communication (pp. 133-141). Springer.
- Bente Kalsnes, Kajsa Falasca, & Aske Kammer (2021). Scandinavian political journalism in a time of fake news and disinformation. In: Eli Skogerbø, Øjvind Ihlen, Nete Nørgaard Kristensen, & Lars Nord (Eds.), Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries (pp. 283-304). Nordicom.
- Nikki Usher & Aske Kammer (2019). News Startups. In: Henrik Örnebring (Ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies. Oxford University Press.
- Aske Kammer (2018). Researching Affordances. In: Jeremy Hunsinger, Lisbeth Klastrup, & Matthew W. Allen (Eds.), Second International Handbook of Internet Research (pp. 337-349). Springer.
- Aske Kammer (2017). Market Structure and Innovation Policies in Denmark. In: Hans van Kranenburg (Ed.), Innovation Policies in the European News and Media Industry. A comparative study (pp. 37-47). Springer International.
- Nete Nørgaard Kristensen, Unni From, & Aske Kammer (2017). The Changing Logics of Danish Cultural Journalism. In: Nete Nørgaard Kristensen & Kristina Riegert (Eds.), Cultural Journalism in the Nordic Countries (pp. 29-48). Nordicom.
Encyclopedia entries:
- Aske Kammer (2019). Denmark. In: Debra L. Merskin (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society (pp. 453-455). Sage.
- Aske Kammer (2019). Free Newspapers. In: Debra L. Merskin (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society (650-652). Sage
- Aske Kammer (2018). Twitter. In: Gunhild Agger, Per Jauert, Kjetil Sandvik, & Kim Schrøder (Eds.), Medie- og kommunikationsleksikon. Samfundslitteratur.
- Aske Kammer (2017). Digital journalistik. In: Søren Kolstrup, Gunhild Agger, Per Jauert, & Kim Schrøder (Eds.), Medie- og kommunikationsleksikon. Samfundslitteratur.
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