
In my research, I explore innovation in the media industries, asking how organizations within an old institution (the press) adapt to and appropriate new technologies. In particular, I focus on how news organizations capture data traces from their users and put that resource to use in strategic and tactical decision-making. Furthermore, I research developments in digital business models for media organizations.

I currently work on several projects, and it would be too much to list all of them here. But the most important ones are:

  • The Datafied News Industry (2020-): In this project, I research the political economy of how news organizations capture, use, and understand user data as a strategic and editorial resource. Starting January 1, 2024, the Datafied News Industry (DANI) research project is a research core group dedicated to this issue and generously funded by the Velux Foundations.
  • MIS: the Media Innovation Subsidies (2023-): Together with Professor Mark Blach-Ørsten, I research what has come out of the first 10 years of the Danish subsidy framework for news-media innovation. This research is supported by Dagspressens Fond.

Past projects:

My profile @ RUC.